

Chaos Studio Seven,, its logo(s), The CS7 Monthly, and IQ Copy & Content are owned, operated and or maintained by Kelly Bernard Johnson, and are trademarked irregardless to where and or how they appear on or outside of this website. That is to say, with or without the "™" trademark symbol—to which all rights are reserved and protected under the U.S. patent and trademark law.

All content on this site and internal to Chaos Studio Seven bearing its name(s), its shorten-abrreviated name(s), its initials, its logo(s), and or the name or initials of Kelly Bernard Johnson, and or an CS7 associated copyright date, which includes but is not limited to the name of this entity itself, its logo, its domain name, text, data, graphics, images, illustrations, and sketches, is the property of Chaos Studio Seven and or of Kelly Bernard Johnson. The copyrights are of Chaos Studio Seven and or of Kelly Bernard Johnson, to which all rights are reserved and protected under the U.S. copyright law.

All other trademarks, product and or company names and logos appearing on or linked to this site, and all other art (particular stock photos), literary or "creative" works with any other name and or copyright than that of Chaos Studio Seven or Kelly Bernard Johnson, are the property of the respective owner(s). There is no intention of copyright infridgement by Chaos Studio Seven and or Kelly Bernard Johnson.

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